drew and kate

drew and kate

Sunday, June 26, 2011

cookie monster

I recently took Drew to his 8 month check up. Drew is a pretty happy baby, and usually smiles at almost everyone, except for his pediatrcian. I don't know if he just associates getting shots with seeing Dr. Nilson, and just doesn't like him, or what? But it is pretty funny! He is such a nice guy, but Drew is not a fan. Sorry Andrew..! Anyway.. I was shocked to see that he weighs the same as he did at his 6 month check up..sure doesn't feel like it! He is 22 lbs and 28 inches long. He grew 2 inches since his last appointment. He is so mobile, and is starting to lose his baby fat, and sprout like a litte bean stalk!

We've recently started introducing meats and more solid foods, and Drew is LOVING it! Every time Steven or I have food, Andrew begs like a little puppy for a bite. It is SOOO annoying! It was cute for about a week, and now it is kind of embarrassing, (especially in public.) Haha! I made cookies the other day for Steven to take to work, and Andrew whined until he got a little bite.. bad idea. He threw a temper tanturm for about ten minutes when I wouldn't let him have any more. So..we resorted to buying him his own cookies, and he loves them! Plums are also a new fave.

{Devouring his cookie}

He now waves periodically, shakes his head "no", claps when no one is looking, makes kissy noises, still only says, mama, dada & baba, scales the wall, screams when he doesn't get what he wants, knows how to manipulate, only falls asleep after we sing a million nursery rhymes, loves his back tickled, gets my cell phone more than I do, HATES getting dressed, opens every drawer within his reach, loves to shut doors, and knows exactly where all the door stoppers are located in the house.

{On our way to church}

{This little guy was just hanging out on our back patio today!}

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing his personality come out more and more! I can't wait to see you guys...I love that pic of you two! so cute!
